
Deland Craven—Creative Director, maker, content creator

I'm a first-generation Californian... I mean... as far as my immediate family goes. However, my roots are in Appalachian Ohio and West Virginia. I think I can officially claim to be a Son of the American Revolution and there is a rumor that someone in the family was a passenger on the Mayflower (I'm not sure if that's true or even unusual). At the end of the day, for better or worse, I'm very much a typical mutt of European descent with all of the pride and guilt associated with that.

Much like my DNA, my life has been and is a mishmash of interests and exploration. I've worked in factories, managed retail, owned several businesses, been a mountain search and rescue volunteer, flew a small plane poorly a couple of times, and have been to Disneyland enough to work as a Plaid (aficionados will know what I mean). I've been to a couple of countries—I think Canada counts. I also realize that Buckaroo Banzai got it right when he said, "No matter where you go, there you are." I know enough about a few things to be fairly competent at them. I also grasp just enough of a lot of things to realize there is an infinite world of wonder out there waiting to be discovered.

By day, I'm the Creative Director for a cutting-edge space technology and Earth observation company. I have the joys and challenges that come with leading a team of creative designers and developers as we strive to make the complex simple and compelling. I'm fortunate to be a part of an organization that works to make the world a more transparent and better place.

Spare time is spent adulting (in a completely appropriate way), parenting, making, and content creating. I have more hobbies and interests than time or money. The best word I've found to describe me is multipotentialite. I dabble in 3D printing, woodworking, machining, electronics, laser-cutting, book nooks, role-play gaming, miniature painting, electronics, microcontrollers, animatronics, videography, and general craftiness... OH MY! When it comes to tools, my philosophy is "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." I've also been a mentor on a robotics team and taught design, programming, and web at the local junior college. This should provide some insight into what drives my relationship status and why it's almost impossible to get me out of the house.

I'm happiest when I'm creating and when I have the opportunity to share my passion for making with others.